
Disadvantages of cashew nuts
Disadvantages of cashew nuts


  • Anaphylaxis: Research has found that an extreme reaction to cashews can lead to a fatal condition called anaphylaxis.
  • disadvantages of cashew nuts

    Cashew Allergy: Nut allergies cause reactions such as nausea, abdominal pain, swelling of the mouth, and difficulty swallowing ( 27).Excess consumption of oxalates may prevent calcium absorption and accelerate kidney stone formation. People With Kidney Stones: People with a history of kidney stones should be cautious when consuming cashews as they contain oxalates.

    disadvantages of cashew nuts

    The side effects of cashew nuts are listed below: Unprocessed cashews should be consumed only after removing the outer shell as it contains urushiol oil, which is toxic ( 26). Cashews are known to cause severe immune responses in such cases ( 26). People prone to allergies should consult a doctor before having cashews. Though cashew nuts are delicious and offer some great health benefits, you must also be aware of their side effects. You may add any neutral oil like avocado oil instead of coconut oil to preserve the flavor of cashews in the butter.


    Now, let’s check out how to make cashew milk and cashew butter. Cashew products are dairy-free substitutes that can be used in smoothies and gravies to improve their texture.Ĭashews can be eaten raw or roasted, but make sure to eat processed nuts as Since cashews contain many essential fatty acids, minerals, vitamins, and plant sterols, you can reap their nutritional benefits by consuming cashew milk or cashew cream.Ĭashew milk, cashew cream, and cashew butter are interesting ways to enjoy the potential health benefits of cashews. It is popular among vegans and people suffering from lactose intolerance. How To Eat Cashew Nuts The Healthy WayĬashew milk is a healthy and nutrient-rich alternative to cow/buffalo milk. Isn’t it fascinating how great cashew nuts are for your health? So, let’s check out how you can add it to your diet. Iron deficiency is a common cause of anemia, and incorporating cashew nuts in your daily diet can help prevent it. These minerals are essential for the proper functioning of the circulatory system. Reduces The Risk of AnemiaĬashew nuts are rich in both iron and copper ( 1). Magnesium helps maintain nerve function ( 25). The fatty acids present in cashews may help with the same.Ĭashews are also a rich source of magnesium ( 1). May Promote Nerve Healthįatty acids help in the formation and functioning of the myelin sheaths of neurons ( 24).

    disadvantages of cashew nuts

    that can help improve the gut microbiome and reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes ( 23). However, it is recommended to consume only 4-5 cashews per day in such cases.Ĭashews are cholesterol-free and have been reported to lower blood pressure and cholesterol in people with diabetes ( 7).Ĭashew nuts are also rich in polyphenols i X Naturally occurring compounds found in fruits like apples, cherries, and berries that protect tissues from oxidative stress.


    A study has shown that the long-term consumption of cashew nuts may lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by enhancing glycolysis i X A series of chemical reactions that extracts energy by converting glucose into three-carbon molecules called pyruvate. Interestingly, though cashew nuts are high in calories, they have been reported to benefit people with diabetes.

    disadvantages of cashew nuts

    and inhibiting cell proliferation and metastasis i X A term used to describe the spread of cancer or a tumor to different parts of the body from its original site. The inositol and anacardic acid in cashew nuts may help fight cancer and increase the chances of survival by inducing cell cycle arrest and apoptosis i X A programmed cell death that occurs in multicellular organisms to eliminate unwanted or damaged cells. Cashew nuts are rich in antioxidants compounds such as anacardic acid, cardanols, and cardols that may help reduce the risk of cancer ( 19).Ī study conducted by Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School found that adolescent girls who eat nuts regularly are a lower risk of developing breast cancer ( 20). In general, studies have shown that regular nut consumption reduces the risk of cancer ( 18). Related: How To Lose Weight Fast For Women – 21 Best Ways 10.

    Disadvantages of cashew nuts